Love Solution : Who Should Pay For Our Date?

Well, you say to yourself, I want to go on a date so I still need to know who should pay for our date? Since you still want an answer to this question, here are five tips to help you figure out how you should handle this situation with your date if this issue should come up:
  1. Consider splitting the bill! Remember, you may have just started dating and you really don't know each other that well. Neither person, owes the other anything. Think of it as though, you're out with some of your friends or coworkers. Don't you normally split the bill when it comes? You probably do! So consider doing the same thing on your date.
  2. Think about paying the entire bill and consider suggesting that your date pick up the tab for the next date! This gives you a good reason among other things to go on another date.
  3. Make it fun! Toss a coin to see who gets to pay the bill. The winner of the coin toss does not have to pay the bill.
  4. Consider inviting your date to your home for a meal or to watch movies. You won't have a bill to think about splitting and this will make your date priceless!
  5. Go on a date that does not require you to split the bill. Consider going to the beach, park or do some leisure walking together. This makes for a nice date with no bill attached! You can enjoy each others company, without worrying about who will pay for the bill at the end of the date.
Enjoy your date! That's the whole idea isn't it? Don't make the question of who should pay for our date, a problem or issue for you when you date. Just go with what you feel is comfortable at the time of your date. Be spontaneous, just let the date flow, and you'll see that your date will probably work out just fine.
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