What You Need to Do to Get Positive Attention From Women

How to Get Positive Attention From Women? - Have you ever gotten the impression that it is just too hard at times to get the positive attention from women that you want to get? Do you wonder why it seems like some guys get all the attention that they can handle, while you just sit there and want some woman to come and pay close attention to you. You are not the only man who gets this feeling, most guys who are single want to get more positive attention from women and don't seem to be able to find their way. There is a reason for this, for why some men do get the attention from the ladies and some do not.

You want to get attention from women that you want to date. So, because of this, there is a really good chance that you are giving out the vibe that you are too eager for a woman to notice you. And that vibe that says that you want to get paid attention to very badly is exactly the reason why you are not getting it. Mind blowing, isn't it?
positive woman
There are more detailed reasons for why most men don't get the attention from women they want and here are a few of them:

#1. When it comes to being in the spotlight, most guys like to stand away from it. You can't expect to attract attention from women if you do not feel comfortable when you do get it, can you? I mean, are you the typical guy who looks AWAY when a woman looks in your direction? If so, then you are repelling what attention you are already getting, so why would you expect to attract more of it? You have to become comfortable with getting attention from women if you are going to attract more of it. Playing up the role of the shy guy is not the way to go, not if you really want women to look your way.

#2. Women see you as being a safe guy when they hang out with you. You know who the safe guy really is? It's a guy that women don't have to worry about hitting on them. And it is a guy who women know that they can control themselves around because they just don't feel the desire to be with him. Do you want to be that guy? If so, then you need to change all of that, because the safe guy does not get the kind of attention that you want to get from women.

#3. Women see you as being a guy who doesn't have much spark to him. Energy is a big deal when it comes to attracting attention. Who do we pay the most attention to in life, people who seem to lack all energy or those that seem to have a ton of it? Usually, we are most responsive to those that seem to have a lot of energy. This is something that you need to convey if you want to get attention from a woman. Show that you have energy.

How to Get Positive Attention From Women - By Christie Collinsworth

1 comment:

Adele said...

This may not sound fair, because it’s not

But did you know that you can be a guy’s dream girl...

I mean, you can literally check off every box on his “perfect woman” list...

But if you mess up this one thing, he’ll drop you the second another option comes along?

My friend James Bauer discovered this missing “secret ingredient” all men are constantly searching for in a woman.

And most women have no clue it exists because guys aren’t even aware of it.

We just KNOW when it’s missing.

===> The “Secret Ingredient” to obsessive love <=====

The really cool thing is, when you know how to give a man this “secret ingredient”...

It will send a shockwave of desire for you straight to his brain and he will HAVE to have you.

In fact, when you do this... watch his face light up, almost as if he’s just been zapped.

It’s that moment when he says to himself “Where have you BEEN all my life?”

Every woman should know this. Check it out here: ====> Why men leave “perfect” women... <=====