Men's Favorite Conversation Topics

Do not think only women who like to get together and gossip about many things. Men also love this activity. In fact, men are also creatures who love to chat as well as women. But by naked eye, see a man talking does not seem too emotional or passionate as women. When assembled with each other, there are the things they talk about.
men conversation

Then, what conversation topics are most favored by the Adam? It's seven most common and interesting things for men to talk about.

1. Car
You would often see the boys are fun to play car-mobilannya. It turned out as adults, they still love everything about automotive. Men talk about the motor vehicle hobby with friends. Usually they are happy to compare, who's latest car, modified cars who is the coolest car or how high speed they have. The man was happy to show off the car superiority to his friends, whenever they gathered.

2. Sport
It was almost all men love sports. Whether it's just a watch, or participate in certain sports clubs. Even a man who does not seem to be physically active, when treated to tontontan football game on TV would be lost in euphoria. Men are very happy to spend hours and hours just to talk about their favorite teams, players who think they're great and predict who will be champion in a match.

3. Woman
Do not think only us, the women who like to talk about men. Apparently, men 'hobby' makes women as a topic of conversation, especially when they gather. What they usually talk about? Excerpted from the All Women stalk, body shape and nature of women, became a favorite conversation among men. Usually they are happy to compare between a single woman, with another woman.

4. Joke 'Bad'
Men love to joke-joke to be considered 'stand out' among his friends. Jokes usually revolve around sex, women and stuff 'naughty' other. But do not always assume they are negative nature. Because it is a normal thing common practice among men.

5. School Period
When hanging out with friends as a child or adolescent, there is no most interesting thing they are talking about, in addition to interesting moments in the school. Maybe you've heard, a group of men engrossed in discussing the teacher who most fierce, the prom, a former lover while in school or the mischief they had done. Hmm, it seems the women also like to do that right?

6. Politics
Although it likes to talk about naughty jokes, and automotive women, men can also discuss serious matters, especially politics. They are usually very excited when criticizing the performance of the state authorities are less good, the policies of parties or elections. In fact, the chat can be a heated debate between them.

7. Sex
Young or two, some men like to talk about sex. Instinctively, men like to find out things that are related to sex, and that usually they can from his friends, although not necessarily the correct info.

5 Type of Guy Who Should be Dating before Marriage

The nice thing about being a single woman is that you can try out with different types of men. Reporting from Sheknows, before you find the right person and decide to get married, make sure that you have tried to go out with these guys.
rich men

1. Musicians
Musicians have always had a special attraction. Especially if he's a rocker. No matter whether he is a drummer, guitar picker or singer, having flings or musician boyfriend certainly will provide its own color to your life. You may be going out on his show in the evening, meet new people, and certainly, can reference the new music. This is an opportunity worth the try.

2. Rich Men
All women deserve to be pampered and date a man with a fat wallet. Picked up by luxury car or have a previous gadget you want. Then over time you realize that he was always busy working. But he will always provide a replacement. Prize at the weekend, eating at fancy restaurants and other small things that can not necessarily get with your own money. Instead matrealistis, but occasionally feel the pleasure it would not hurt.

3. The Older Men
There is something mysterious and sexy than older men. Just look at George Clooney, despite being old but has a great charisma. But you should not look for Hollywood's male actor age. 10-year age difference is still not a problem.

Older men more experience and tend to be protecting. They also usually have a steady job, residence and tastes better than a date with a man's age.

4. Younger Men
Younger men should be dated in the short term. Why? Because they tend to dislike long-term commitment. But behind it all, they know how to have fun. The young man also has a highly motivated, enthusiastic and want to please others. So if you are far too concentrated on his career and therefore stress, berkencanlah with them as a stress release and self-nurturing.

5. Nerds
It is important to try to date a man who usually does not appeal to you. Men are nerdy, shy, or the eccentric can also delight you. There are interesting things that have not necessarily experienced or know without you close to them. No harm came out of the comfort zone even if only briefly.

When going out with a lot of the kind of guy, you will know the various characters. Sometimes, the poor visibility or not the kind of guy you are, it can be more fun. Happy dating!

Attitudes that Cause Problems in Love

To maintain harmonious relationship is not an easy thing. Once or twice, there are problems that can make you and your spouse love relationship faltered. Problems can be tapered love, if you 'merautnya' with an attitude that is not appropriate. Excerpted from She Knows, the following three behaviors that make the problem your love and your partner are getting worse.
problem love

1. Silent when Angry
In this case, the adage 'Silence is Golden' obviously does not apply. When angry or upset with your loved one, silence is not the solution. Silent during an argument, will only compound the problem.

Do not expect he would apologize, instead he will be more upset. Try to express what's on your mind so quickly resolved the problem. But when you include the type who tends to prefer silence to defuse emotions, it's good to tell him. Tell me if you need some time alone first, before discussing the issue. Do not ignore it.

2. 'Play guessing games'
No one knows, what happens in your mind than your own. So do not expect lovers will know what you want, when you do not say it.

If there is anything you want from your partner, then say it to him. Do not just upset because it guesses wrong, or he's doing away from your desires. Express what you feel, rather than waste time waiting for him to be able to read your mind.

If you are not among those who can say something with the frontal, start from small things. For example, which restaurant would you go with a partner or what movie to watch. If you've used, you will be able to express things that are more important and significant in the relationship.

3. Grudge
Everyone must have made mistakes, including your loved one. Do not hold a grudge when you caught him cheating or lying. Complete openly. If you are still upset and angry, express. Do not say you forgive mistakes, but inside, still harbored anger so deep.

This will hurt yourself, other people also. Revenge will only exacerbate the problem. Forget your grudges in three ways:
  • Try to calm down, explain if you still have not received the error. If he can not understand, describe exactly how you feel.
  • Give him time to speak. Let him explain the problem from his perspective. Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding, and gives you another perspective.
  • Try to confide in a friend or someone close. Tell me what are the things that bother you, that makes you frustrated before talking with a partner.
  • You can vent his anger with the sport, kickboxing workout or to walk alone for a while. Then express your feelings to your partner.

How to Look Beautiful without Makeup

The secret of beautiful skin is not wearing concealer or blush. Beautiful skin comes from the way you look at and treat the skin as well. That way you can look beautiful even without makeup. Consider the following seven ways, as quoted by Type F.
Beautiful without Makeup

True beauty begins from within, therefore, make it a habit to always eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts. In addition, supplements of vitamins A, C and E both to increase the levels of antioxidants in the body.

If you want to have a bright glowing skin, get used to eating foods that contain essential fatty acids, such as canola oil, olive oil, cold water fish and walnuts.

2. Diligent sun exposure
Everyone must know the negative effects of UV rays. When you walk outdoors, do not forget to use sunscreen. Sun exposure contributes to skin aging.

3. Drink plenty of water
Drinking water can prevent your skin from dehydration. From now on, make it a habit to drink eight glasses of water each day.

4. Keep your skin clean & moisture
Always pay attention to cleanliness and moisture your skin. Never lazy to clean the face after the move and after wearing cosmetics. Keep the skin of dead cells to help regenerate healthy skin, fresh and glowing.

5. Many sports
In addition to reducing stress, exercise can make the skin supple and taut. The skin needs to breathe. When you exercise, the oxygen into every cell of your body and make it work more efficiently. Exercise for half an hour a day is better than nothing.

6. Enough sleep
Lack of sleep can make you stressed and tired skin. Quality sleep can help refresh your face and make it look luminous.

7. Stop smoking
Say 'goodbye' to the skin enemy number one. Smoking habits can take oxygen from the skin, affecting internal organs, increasing the risk of disease and can cause death. In addition, smoking can also make a dark lip color and cause wrinkles. Still want to smoke?

Hair Style Tips for Women with Glasses

Hairstyle with glasses can make you look attractive or just the opposite, depending on how the forms and types of glasses are used. How to work around this?
Hair Style for Women with Glasses
Just like most other things in life, the key is balance. Ideally eyeglasses and hairstyle you should be able to complement each other.

Here's the trick, as quoted from TypeF:

There are many forms and styles of glasses, as well as the hairstyle. The trick is to select a hairstyle that can complement your glasses. For example, large glasses with frames that are suitable for those with long hair, layers and volume on the left and right. With the hairdo, the frame of your glasses will not make an appearance seems excessive.

Meanwhile, if you wear glasses with small frames, avoid haircuts that make the face look small, like a bob. Try a little choppy haircut or curly or blunt cut.

Others again if you wear glasses with wide frames, do her hair looks volume on the side. Hairdo can make the face look even wider. Try long hair with short layers or if you select the style of the spike.

2. Hair Color Options
Hair color also determine whether they fit or not with your glasses. Generally, dark-colored frame looks great for people with dark hair and light frame suitable for those who are fair-haired.

Glasses does not mean you can not play with your hair color. But there are things to watch out for, avoid wearing yellow tinted glasses if your hair is dyed red. Do not also wear glasses with frames very dark in color, while hair dyed blond or blond.

Mix and match the glasses and the hairdo is a little tricky. If you are still experiencing difficulties, please do not hesitate to ask for professional help. Before styling your hair, consult with a hair stylist you trust. Of course do not forget to bring your glasses.

Chewing Gum can Make Women more Beautiful

Many women find a way to beautify the face. Even those willing to be sick to get the coveted beauty. Now there is a unique way to add beauty. Yes, just by chewing gum can make women more beautiful. Really?
Vigo Beauty
A chewing gum named 'Vigo Beauty' claim to strengthen hair and nails, and make skin glow. Not only about beauty, the gum also released 'Vigo Focus' that can make a person focus after chewing. Final product is released is 'Vigo Active'. Claimed, after chewing it you will get more energy.

But it seems that these products are less well received. Reporting from the Real Style Network, the product is widely criticized by many and touted as the candy that is misleading because it makes many people believe if a chewing gum can alter his life.

Though doctors have warned, it takes a healthy life for beauty, focus and energy. Not just by chewing gum. 'Vigo' is not a pioneer of candy that claims to beautify. Other candy previously been launched in South Korea. Peppermint also mention if it can make a woman more beautiful because it contains collagen and vitamin C.