Chewing Gum can Make Women more Beautiful

Many women find a way to beautify the face. Even those willing to be sick to get the coveted beauty. Now there is a unique way to add beauty. Yes, just by chewing gum can make women more beautiful. Really?
Vigo Beauty
A chewing gum named 'Vigo Beauty' claim to strengthen hair and nails, and make skin glow. Not only about beauty, the gum also released 'Vigo Focus' that can make a person focus after chewing. Final product is released is 'Vigo Active'. Claimed, after chewing it you will get more energy.

But it seems that these products are less well received. Reporting from the Real Style Network, the product is widely criticized by many and touted as the candy that is misleading because it makes many people believe if a chewing gum can alter his life.

Though doctors have warned, it takes a healthy life for beauty, focus and energy. Not just by chewing gum. 'Vigo' is not a pioneer of candy that claims to beautify. Other candy previously been launched in South Korea. Peppermint also mention if it can make a woman more beautiful because it contains collagen and vitamin C.

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