The Common Causes of Relationship Breakups

Relationships can not always run smoothly. The possibility is always there to break up. But, exactly what causes a person to breakdown with the beloved?
break love relationship

1. Too Many Secrets
You do not have to share everything with a lover. In every relationship, it should always be owned by the privacy restrictions of each pair. But do not be too many secrets from him. Covering family life, do not introduce him to friends or rarely talked about activities in the office, will make it feel like everyone else. He also will assume you are not serious in touch. In the end, do not be surprised if he suddenly gone from your life.

2. Jealousy
Jealousy is the spice of romance. But that led to excessively possessive jealousy? Is a disease in the affair. Angry when he's not calling you one day, forbade him to go out with friends and was always jealous whenever he was near the woman will make him feel you have no freedom and 'me time'. Remember, his world is not only always revolve around you. If your jealous attitude can not be eliminated, for long he will seek his own freedom.

3. Family Challenged
Families are factors that greatly affect the longevity of a love affair. If your mother or your father always showed an attitude does not like any he's come to the house, or often forbid you to go with him, it is not likely he'll break up because they feel intimidated.

4. Getting Married in a hurry
Sometimes the difference in vision is also one reason why a man leaves his lover. One example, perhaps you can not wait to get married, while he's still wanted to enjoy life freely. He may love you, but married, he is a big step that should be considered carefully and he was not ready. If you continue to force him to rush to get married, will make him feel depressed and eventually find another woman who has the same vision.

5. She's Loving Another Woman
Perhaps most painful is the causes that can make you decide; there is another woman in his heart. If this is the cause, there is no more reason to maintain the relationship. Perhaps indeed he is not the right guy for you. Despite the pain, Relax she went because there might be a better man who is interested in you.

6. A moment of love
Sometimes there is a feeling of love that is so passionate in the beginning of a relationship, but gradually fade away without cause. This could happen to any couple. Maybe it's love that he felt the first time with you, is not real love. But more because of curiosity or interest in a moment.

7. Long Distance Relationships
Distance is often a constraint in the relationship. There are couples who successfully go through, even to get married. But there are some who choose their own ways because of the lack of intensity of the meet. When you're in a relationship long distance and in the middle of the road he memustusnya, it could be due to constraints of time and energy that can not afford the maintenance to strengthen relationships while apart.

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