Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck Perfume Makes 'Enchanted'

Last year (November 2010), Taylor Swift had leaked his plans to create perfumes with Elizabeth Arden. Taylor Swift was finally released its first perfume, named 'Wonderstruck'. Taylor said the name of the perfume is inspired by her own personal experience. Likewise with any materials that are used in perfume. 'Wonderstruck' itself, means 'enchanted'.
Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck Perfume
"I once wrote the lyrics, 'I'm fascinated, I was blushing all the way home,' to the tune of 'Enchanted'. That's the theme of meeting someone that we like first," said Taylor, as quoted by People. Singer of the song 'Love Story' was also stated that like the song, fragrances can also help to create the impression to someone at first sight. Perfume can also evoke a memory in someone.

"Very pleased, thinking that 'Wonderstruck' will contribute to create a variety of memory in someone," he added.

'Wonderstruck' packaged in a purple bottle, bottle cap with a gold and three uniquely-shaped pendant as a garnish. Dominated perfume floral fragrance, with a touch of raspberry, apple blossom, golden amber and sandalwood. Not yet known how much it costs and where will be marketed.


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